Kidney infection is one of the disgusting diseases of humans’ bodies that could harm immensely and able to kill a person if it is not handled carefully! This disease is known as the Pyelonephritis in doctoral terms and basically, happens for the infection of bladder and urethra. Kidney infection could cause several unbearable troubles along […]
Tag: best foods

Home Remedies for Bad Breath
What could bring your more embarrassment than that food stuff that is stuck right in between your teeth, causing your breath turn bad! Even if you are lucky enough to not to face that humiliation, you can relate a number of incidences while you were close to a friend (or someone you love) who had […]

Best foods & Exercises to Get Rid of Belly Fat
Belly fat is a curse to both men and women! This disgusting thing can easily ruin your entire beauty with its presence. Belly fat could happen for many reasons like eating fat consisted foods, over consumption of alcohol or carbonated drinks, irregular or oversleeping, etc. and once it occurs, this stubborn thing wouldn’t go easily. […]

Home Remedies for Anemia: Iron Rich Foods and Yoga
Anemia is the medical term for the condition when your body doesn’t produce a sufficient number of red blood cells. What’s the big deal about it? Well, it’s as simple as that. These red blood cells (RBCs) are the key to your survival! They actually carry hemoglobin, the oxygen-transporting molecule. So no RBCs means no […]

16 Home Remedies for Dark Circles
It’s said that eyes can say a thousand words. And so goes true for the dark circles under your eyes that shout aloud about your health, lifestyles and routine. Dark circles can affect both men and women. From stress, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, a disturbed lifestyle to hereditary factors, there’s a lot more that […]

Pain Relief: Home Remedies to Get Rid of Toothache
A toothache is a miserable pain that we feel inside our mouth in any section. This kind of pain leads to an unbearable soreness and permanent damage inside your mouth if you don’t treat it well! A toothache could happen sharp, throbbing, or constantly until you sort out the reason. You can get swelling or […]

Home Remedies for Iron Deficiency: Iron Rich Foods Fruits & Veggies
Iron deficiency symptoms It is said that people suffer from iron deficiency without even knowing it, there are easy ways you can identify the symptoms that display Iron deficiency. feeling fatigued all the time weakness in the body having short breath nails becoming brittle in nature the skin color gives a pale appearance getting cold […]

Home Remedies for Heartburn: #9 Best Foods for Acid Reflux
Symptoms of Heartburn The symptoms of heartburn vary from people to people and the common symptoms that were observed among most of the people was an intense burning sensation around the chest and its nearby area that can persist for a couple of minutes to several hours, sharp pain in the chest when lying down […]

14 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Upset Stomach
Reasons for Upset Stomach There are many reasons that could lead to an upset stomach which is also known as Dyspepsia or more commonly called indigestion. The main reason that causes upset stomach is the contact of acid present in the stomach with the sensitive lining of the mucosa, the acid starts to dissolve the […]