A stomach ulcer is an aching sore that occurs in stomach lining or intestine as the sign of peptic ulcer diseases along with some others stomach diseases. This illness hits our stomach while the thick layer of mucus is getting reduced and permitting the digestive acid to erode at the lining tissues of the infected […]
Tag: home remedies for stomach pain

How to get rid of Stomach Cramps: #9 Home Remedies
Stomach cramps Healthy digestive system means an overall good health! Your stomach is your closest friend who warns you through various signs and symptoms about the imbalance much before the disorder actually turns serious. So keeping a check on your tummy’s well-being is important! “Stomach cramps” is a condition that is often misunderstood. Since it […]

Soothe your stomach pain with 9 easy home remedies
At some point, almost every one of us gets an abdominal pain. These troubles are always short lived, either come and go or appear after a heavy meal or as menstrual cramps in women. There are a number of simple home remedies that provides good relief over your abdominal pains. What causes stomach pain? Abdominal […]

14 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Upset Stomach
Reasons for Upset Stomach There are many reasons that could lead to an upset stomach which is also known as Dyspepsia or more commonly called indigestion. The main reason that causes upset stomach is the contact of acid present in the stomach with the sensitive lining of the mucosa, the acid starts to dissolve the […]